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Predator  and Prey Wildlife Web Game Cards.

      "While enjoying Pokémon card games with my son, I discovered that he knew the names and life histories of countless imaginary animals. That was the inspiration for Wildlife Web. I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if kids could get this excited about real wildlife?" The final product is vastly different from Pokémon... and a lot more fun!"

--Thomas J. Elpel,
Creator of Wildlife Web

Wildlife Web Game Box.

Wildlife Web
A dynamic ecology strategy game
Eat, mate, reproduce. Avoid being eaten
Created by Thomas J. Elpel - Artwork by Megan Levacy

Mountain Cottontail game card from Wildlife Web.

      Can you forage or hunt for food, find a mate, and raise your young... without becoming someone else's lunch?

      Welcome to Wildlife Web, a game where you participate in the web of life.

      Wildlife Web is an exciting, dynamic game of strategy where adventure, luck, and cunning provide hours of fun for family and friends, recommended for ages 9 to 99.

      Do you want to be a mountain lion, deer, or elk? This surprisingly realistic game enables players to experience life as any of 50 different animals, and each animal has a mate.

Package Discount
Shanleya's Quest book and game, plus Wildlife Web, and I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!
Wildlife Web
Shanleya's Quest (Book)
Shanleya's Quest (Game)
I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!

Total = $75.00
Your cost: $55.00

(Save $20.00!)
Scroll down for
additional options.

      How do you strategize to eat, mate, stay alive, and pass your genes along to the next generation? Each animal has a special survival rating, plus unique abilities to help when hunting or defending against predators...

      Are you a carnivore, herbivore or insectivore?

      A fox has special abilities and strategic advantages, but so does the whitetail deer, robin, and squirrel. Which animal is better... the moose or the mouse? Select your starting Pack of animals carefully and the race is on to pass your genes along to the next generation.

Wildlife Web game layout.       Wildlife Web is both competitive and cooperative. On the one hand, the game features classic predator-prey relationships where mountain lions hunt rabbits, deer, elk, or bison with the roll of the dice.

      On the other hand there is cooperation as robins warn the deer as a mountain lion approaches. Your deer gains 2 extra defense points for every robin on the table.

      Fifty random Event Cards introduce everything from hailstorms to bird alarms that can help or hinder your quest for survival.

      Just like in real life, a highway runs through the game, forming a deathtrap for some species and an opportunity to scavenge for others.

      A Day/Night card alternates play between diurnal and nocturnal animals so your bat is safe during the day while your hawk can go hunting.

      With thousands of potential interactions and many uncontrolled factors, the game is never the same... except that you will have fun every time!

See the Wildlife Web Rules Book (3MB PDF)

Wildlife Web Game Box.

I love this game!! I've played it dozens of times now and each time I teach someone to play it they walk away and return later and tell me all about how they can't stop thinking about how everything else in nature works. They're all becoming naturalists just by playing a game.

--Chris Hyde,
Austin, Texas

Wildlife Web Game Components.

Wildlife Web Game: Hawk Hunts Marmot.

Wildlife Web Game Box.


Just gave Wildlife Web to my 11-year-old for his birthday, and we've played twice already -- it's so great! I was concerned that it would be complicated to learn, but it is perfectly complex enough to reflect ecology while being simple to pick up and play right away. The game-play has us laughing, the animal facts have us oooh-ing, and we just want to keep playing. Thank you so much for creating this!

-- Brennan S.

Order Direct from Thomas J. Elpel / HOPS Press, LLC
See the Package Discounts below for big savings!

Shanleya's Quest.
Shanleya's Quest (Book)

Patterns in Plants Card Game.
Shanleya's Quest (Game)

Wildlife Web Game.
Wildlife Web

I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!
I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!

Botany in a Day.
Botany in a Day
Participating in Nature: Wilderness Survival and Primitive Living Skills.
Participating in Nature

Package Discount
Shanleya's Quest book and game.
Shanleya's Quest (Book)
Shanleya's Quest (Game)

Total = $30.00
Your cost: $25.00

(Save $5.00!)
Package Discount
Shanleya's Quest book and game and I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!
Shanleya's Quest (Book)
Shanleya's Quest (Game)
I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!

Total = $45.00
Your cost: $32.50

(Save $12.50!)
Package Discount
Botany in a Day, plus Shanleya's Quest book and game and I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!.
Botany in a Day
Shanleya's Quest (Book)
Shanleya's Quest (Game)
I'm a Medicine Woman, Too!

Total = $81.00
Your cost: $59.00

(Save $22.00!)

Shopping for birthdays, holidays, resale, or the classroom?
Click Here for Instant Wholesale Discounts!

Playing Wildlife Web.

Wildlife Web Game Box.

      Wildlife Web is a great game, I love how you learn about animals as you play! It's a fun and enriching game, though it's hard to learn at first, it's SUPER fun once you learn how to play! I love that in Wildlife Web you can playfully fight with one another! It's a great game!


      Wildlife Web is one of the best games I have ever played! It is just the right combination of challenging and fun to make for an epic experience and a lot of laughter. You learn about the behaviors and adaptive strategies of a wide variety of animals in the process, also making it educational. Our daughter discovered it just before she turned nine years of age, loved it, and is always excited to play a round.


Wildlife Web Sample Cards.

      Looking for life-changing resources? Check out these books by Thomas J. Elpel:

Green Prosperity: Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams.
Roadmap to Reality: Consciousness, Worldviews, and the Blossoming of Human Spirit
to Reality
Living Homes: Stone Masonry, Log, and Strawbale Construction
Participating in Nature: Wilderness Survival and Primitive Living Skills.
in Nature
Foraging the Mountain West: Gourmet Edible Plants, Mushrooms, and Meat.
Foraging the
Mountain West
Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification
in a Day
Shanleya's Quest: A Botany Adventure for Kids

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